
Showing posts with the label covid-19

Quote of the Day Top 1 by sobhanadreshwar uppalapati

 Quote of the Day Top 1 by sobhanadreshwar uppalapati “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” ―  Dalai Lama XIV

Motivational Top Eight Quote for Entrepreneurs by sobhanadreshwar uppalapati

 Motivational Top Eight Quote for Entrepreneurs by sobhanadreshwar uppalapati “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes – understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” – Arianna Huffington

Corona virus covid-19 update from worldometers on july 28, 2020 - sobhandreshwar uppalapati

COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Last updated: July 28, 2020 Reference Coronavirus Cases: 16,670,538 Deaths: 657,222 Recovered: 10,261,544 This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.  Learn more Got it! Coronavirus Population COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC Last updated: July 28, 2020, 09:54 GMT Graphs  -  Countries  -  Death Rate  -  Symptoms  -  Incubation  -   Transmission  -  News Coronavirus Cases: 16,670,538 view by country Deaths: 657,222 Recovered: 10,261,544 ACTIVE CASES 5,751,772 Currently Infected Patients 5,685,109  ( 99 %) in Mild Condition 66,663  ( 1 %) Serious or Critical Show Graph Jan 22 Feb 08 Feb 25 Mar 13 Mar 30 Apr 16 May 03 May 20 Jun 06 Jun 23 Jul 10 Jul 27 0 5M 10M Show Statistics CLOSED CASES 10,918,766 Cases which had an outcome: 10,261,544  ( 94 %) Recovered / Discharged 657,222  ( 6 %) Deaths Show Graph Feb 02 May 24 Feb 18 Mar 05 Mar 21 Apr 06 Apr 22 May 08 Jun 09 Jun 25 Jul 11 Jul